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Meal Replacement Shake - Sydney
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
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Sydney, New South Wales
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Many people find it difficult to make the paradigm shift. No, it is not a new dance step or gym exercise. The best I can explain how I view the process is, being able to look at an object or thought in a different way than is commonly used. Many people are rigid in their beliefs and dismiss anything that is unique or vastly different.
When I talk about eating chocolate, the immediate response is, “Oh, I don’t eat candy.” Many people I talk to about Xocai chocolate think a small piece of healthy chocolate will cause them to immediately gain 100 pounds. Their minds are closed to the fact that properly processed chocolate can improve their health and longevity.
Yes, properly processed cacao is a very healthy food and not high in calories.
The media has recently reported on the health benefits of properly processed chocolate. Here are some of the comments that were reported;
USA TODAY – “chocolate lovers are thinner”.
THE WALL STREET JOURANAL –“a chocolate a day to get slimmer”.
NEWSWEEK – Great news: “research suggests chocolate to be good for you (dark chocolate contains flavonoids).”
US NEWS – “dark chocolate has been found to moderate blood pressure, and other ingredients elevate mood.”
USA TODAY – “eating dark chocolate appears to improve the function of important cells lining the walls of blood vessels for at least three hours.”
NEW YORK TIMES – “eating dark chocolate appears to bring down blood pressure”.
BBC NEWS – “chocolate can protect against tooth decay.”
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY – “so think of chocolate as brain food”
CNN – “those with high blood pressure who ate a 3.5 ounce of dark chocolate bar daily for 15 days were rewarded with lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and improved sugar metabolism, discovered researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts in Boston.”
So enjoy all that is good for you. And if you are still hesitant to consume chocolate because you think you will gain weight, I have the answer for that also! For just two weeks, enjoy drinking the Xocai High-Antioxidant Meal Replacement Shake. It’s rich dark chocolate flavor will win you over, and the antioxidants will do wonders for your health.
Dr. Bernard Press
When I talk about eating chocolate, the immediate response is, “Oh, I don’t eat candy.” Many people I talk to about Xocai chocolate think a small piece of healthy chocolate will cause them to immediately gain 100 pounds. Their minds are closed to the fact that properly processed chocolate can improve their health and longevity.
Yes, properly processed cacao is a very healthy food and not high in calories.
The media has recently reported on the health benefits of properly processed chocolate. Here are some of the comments that were reported;
USA TODAY – “chocolate lovers are thinner”.
THE WALL STREET JOURANAL –“a chocolate a day to get slimmer”.
NEWSWEEK – Great news: “research suggests chocolate to be good for you (dark chocolate contains flavonoids).”
US NEWS – “dark chocolate has been found to moderate blood pressure, and other ingredients elevate mood.”
USA TODAY – “eating dark chocolate appears to improve the function of important cells lining the walls of blood vessels for at least three hours.”
NEW YORK TIMES – “eating dark chocolate appears to bring down blood pressure”.
BBC NEWS – “chocolate can protect against tooth decay.”
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY – “so think of chocolate as brain food”
CNN – “those with high blood pressure who ate a 3.5 ounce of dark chocolate bar daily for 15 days were rewarded with lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and improved sugar metabolism, discovered researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts in Boston.”
So enjoy all that is good for you. And if you are still hesitant to consume chocolate because you think you will gain weight, I have the answer for that also! For just two weeks, enjoy drinking the Xocai High-Antioxidant Meal Replacement Shake. It’s rich dark chocolate flavor will win you over, and the antioxidants will do wonders for your health.
Dr. Bernard Press